Saturday, July 27, 2019

How to Convert Bitcoin to Cash

Bitcoin is high price cryptocurrency due to its high trading volume. Due to this, it receives immense attention.

Converting Bitcoin into cash is an easy process. It can be done in multiple ways.

Bitcoin is the dominant currencies due to this there are multiple options available to convert them in cash.

How to Convert Bitcoin to Cash

There are various firms, which accept the Bitcoin, but still, there are numbers of firms that do not accept crypto. This necessitates conversion it into cash.

Bitcoin to Cash

Some of the ways to convert Bitcoin to cash are Crypto exchange platform, Debit Cart, Crypto ATM, selling to friends and others.

Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform

Cryptocurrency Exchange platform offers a reliable option to convert Bitcoin to cash.

Some of the best Cryptocurrency exchange platforms are Kraken, Bitfinex, Bittrex, Coinbase, Changelly, Poloniex, and others.

The payment fee of the cryptocurrency varies with the platform.

Further, the availability of the exchange varies with the location thriving.

It is essential to carefully calculate the price and payment fees of the crypto before considering a deal.

Some currency exchange platform can report the profile to concern authority, which poses the risk of taxation.

Bitcoin Atm

Bitcoin Atm is used in buying and selling Bitcoin. There are a number of ATM machines available in a different location for anyone else.

The disadvantage of using the Bitcoin Atm is that it charges more fees and are often the conversion rate are low.

Bitcoin Debit Card

Cryptocurrency debit card is available for the conversion of the Cash. This is suitable to use for the merchant accepting the Debit card, not the cryptocurrency. This card converts the Bitcoin in cash while buying.

Bitcoin debit card automatically convert Bitcoin to the fiat currency.

The downside is that transition is limited and availability varies with a geographic region.

Sell to Friends

Bitcoin is a lucrative investment for various individuals. It is possible to sell the Bitcoin to a trusted friend with flat money.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the info, it turns out that to convert BTC to Cash is not as difficult as I thought. If cashed to a local bank ATM, should it support visa / mastercard?


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